January 25-29: Gross Structure of Muscle, Sarcomere, Concentric/Eccentric Actions in Sarcomere, Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types, the Motor Unit, All-or-None Response of Motor Units
Be able to identify several several physiological characteristics of muscle such as chemical composition and the percentage of water, protein and othe substances.
Be able to draw and label the gross structure of muscle
Be able to explain and identify a polarized membrane and why sarcoplasm is different from cytoplasm
Be able to label and identify structures of a sarcomere and describe what is occuring during eccentric and concentric actions to the A-band, I-band, H-Zone and Z-lines
Be able to explain what the motor unit
Be able to identify and describe the three types of skeletal muscle fiber types and give examples of track events that emphasis their activation
Be able to describe the all-or-none response of motor units
Please note there are THREE YOUTUBE videos with this week's lessons.

Click Here to Download Exam 1 Part B due Friday January 29 by 12 Midnight

Let's start this section by watching this Youtube Video on muscle physiology by identifying several characteristics of muscle such as the chemical composition and 'West Pointing' the Gross Structure of Muscle.
Click here for the Gross Structure of Muscle YOUTUBE video

Let's Review from the YOUTIBE Video:
What is the chemical composition of muscle (___%water,___% protein, ___% other)?
Can you name at least 3 other substances in muscle?
What is another name for muscle fiber?
Is the sarcolemma OVER or UNDER the endomysium?
Why do exercise physiologists call the 'gel' of muscle fibers the sarcoplasm? (glycogen and myoglobin)
In anatomical drawings, what does the term 'Gross' structure mean
Complete this sentence: Muscle cells can have up to 1,000_________? (nuclei)
What does the term polarized mean? (difference in charge across a membrane; inside has a different charge then outside cell)
Exercise physiologist identify the 'gel' of the cell as sarcoplasm, not cytoplasm: Why? (muscle cells have much more glycogen and myoglobin)
Gross Structure of Skeletal Muscle
Sarcomere Structure and Function
Click here to watch the Sarcomere Structure and Function YOUTUBE video
Please check your understanding of the sarcomere function (below)
What researcher is known for first introducing the term, 'eccentric exercise' that he spelled 'eXcentric'? (Erling Asmussen)
What does sarco mean? (flesh)
Muscle Fiber Types, Motor Unit, All-or-None Response of Motor Units
Click here for the Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types and Motor Unit YOUTUBE video
What type of track activities EMPHASIZE Type I fibers. (1/2 marathon, marathon)
What type of track activities EMPHASIZE TYPE IIa fibers? (400 & 800 meter sprint)
What type of track activities EMPHASIZE Type IIx fibers? (100 meter sprint, javelin, shot put)
The Motor Unit: What two different anatomical constituents compose a motor unit?
What is the All-or-None Response of Motor Units?
When the neuron impulse fires, all of the muscle fibers innervated by the nerve will contract. When the neuron ceases to fire, all of the muscle fibers innervated by the nerve will also cease to contract. This is the all-or-none response of motor units.
Longitudinal Research Review